JSHP Annual Meeting:
・ Date:12-13 November. (sat.-sun)
・ Place:12;KINJO-GAKUIN University
13;IWASE BUNKO Library
(Aichi Prefecture)
click here (pdf:1611kB, Japanese)
Invitation from
Chinese pharmaceutical Association
The 16e symposium of the history of pharmacy
and the traditional herval medicines
・ date:23 Sept. 2011
Chengdu city, Sichuanseng
People's Republic of China
(中華人民共和国 四川省 成都)
(see this page : Japanese)
program: clic here(pdf:72.6kB, Chinese/simplified))
4th SHIBATA Forum
・ Date:2 August (Tue.) 14:00-17:00
・ Place:Showa University (Tokyo)
Building 4, 2F room201

Flag of JSHP (made of 1960') (left) new logo of JSHP
(made of 2005) (right)
*top mark (PHJ) is old type symbol of JSHP *traditional pharmaceutical
tool "YAGEN"
*under 6 letters mean JSHP (which is
powder maker )
ni-hon yaku shi gaku-kai and modern pharamacist
are designed.
"yaku-shi-gaku" carigraphy is drawn by Dr. Yasuhiko ASAHINA,
prof. emer. of the Univ. of TOKYO, 1st. president of JSHP
Founded 1954
The Japanese Society for History of Pharmacy
c/o CAPJ, 4-16, Yayoi 2-chome,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0032 JAPAN
Welcome To JSHP
The Latest News From JSHP
The Jpanese Journal of Hostory for Pharamacy

Journal of JSHP (JJSHP) vol.39.,No.1 (2004)
History of 50 years anniversary edition
sold out .
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